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Selectmen Minutes 09/30/2008

Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 30, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  
Selectman Jordan was excused this evening.

Others present: David Kenneally, Karen Lingner, Karl Merrill and Gil Vien

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Citizen Concern
PRESENT: David Kenneally

Mr. Kenneally came in this evening to address the concern brought forward by Jaan Luikmil regarding the Road Agent’s use of foul and offensive language. Mr. Luikmil was troubled by the use of inappropriate language used by a town official, and that his son was present and also surprised by Mr. Kenneally’s language.  Mr. Kenneally stated he would speak to Mr. Luikmil and offer an apology and also offered a public apology if he offended anyone.  Chairman DeBold stated that we all as public officials need to watch our behavior and conduct ourselves appropriately.  The townspeople always look at us in our official capacity. Selectman MacCleery suggested that Mr. Kenneally speak with Mr. Luikmil’s son as well.  Chairman DeBold thanked Mr. Kenneally for coming in this evening and advised him to make a strong effort to curb that sort of behavior in the future.  Selectman MacCleery also thanked Mr. Kenneally for coming in and addressing this issue right away.

Mr. Kenneally inquired if the Board has made a decision on the disposal of the Old Fire Truck at the highway department.  Any vehicle must be brought to White’s Farm for the State Auction by October 10th.  Selectman MacCleery suggested the possibility of converting the truck to an extra sander truck.  Mr. Kenneally was open to the idea and will look into associated costs to retrofit the truck and come back to the Board with his thoughts next week.

The sample timesheet was reviewed and the Board agreed to put it in use for a trial period of one month beginning with the next period starting on Sunday.  This topic will be re-visited and barring no problems, will be adopted by the Board at that time.  
SUBJECT: Fire Department
Present: Chief Vien

Mr. Vien asked Chairman DeBold to sign and pre-date the title for the old ambulance being taken to the State Auction.  According to the document instructions for the auction, pre-dating documents is a standard practice.

Gil informed the Board that his ambulance payroll line would be overspent this year.  He incorrectly calculated 26 weeks of pay when this year Chichester was responsible for 28 weeks.  This is based on the holiday rotation with Loudon. Also, the NIMS reimbursement and a payroll correction from last year will affect the overage.  The bottom line of the department budget will not be overspent.

Compact fees for next year are going down.  This cost is based on call volume.  Calls are down overall.
The Loudon Subsidy is up 3% and Loudon is looking to add an additional full-time member for weekend coverage.
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BOS minutes
September 30, 2008


Old Business-
The Board discussed the request for the town to commit 25% for mitigation costs for water damage at the Schey residence on Deer Meadow Road. Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold, that the town not apply for FEMA mitigation money for the Schey residence.  The motion passed with a unanimous vote.  The Board was not in favor of asking the taxpayers to pay the costs for a private residence.  

The Board discussed Chairman DeBold’s proposal to re-consider the use of the newly adopted Budget Justification Form.  Chairman DeBold stated the form was valuable but given the directive for departments to flat line their budgets, the form asks for a lot of information that is not applicable when it will have to be used for every line item change up or down that is greater than ten percent.  Chairman DeBold stated he feels this is putting a lot of burden on department heads and rather he suggested that departments use the form for changes of service or anomalies to start and that the Selectmen meet with the Budget Committee once the budgets have been submitted but prior to meeting with departments, and identify areas where more information is needed and then relay to the department to fill out a form, that way the form is still being used but in a more effective way.  Selectman MacCleery was not in favor of changing a prior decision between the Selectmen and the Budget Committee, regardless of the email discussions to the Budget Committee unless the BC met with the Board and discussed this in a meeting.
Lisa was directed to distribute the form as previously directed re-iterating to all departments that the form must be used for all changes up or down greater than ten percent as well as for a change in service level or a new expense not yet seen in the operating budget and all forms must accompany the budget submissions.

The Board reviewed the correspondence from CLD relative to the bonds for the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions.  Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to approve the following bond amounts based on CLD’s recommendations;
        Giuda Bond: approve $57,865.50 plus ten percent (10) for contingency
        Merrill Bond: approve $45,102.75 plus ten percent (10) for contingency
        Perry Brook Rd bond: $8,568.95 plus ten percent (10) for contingency
For a total of $122,690.92 of which sixty percent (60) of the minimum bond amount will be $73,614.55 and that no more than sixty (60) percent of area will be disturbed at any one time.  Motion passes unanimously.

New Business-

Mr. MacCleery discussed a concern brought to him regarding a noise complaint over recent activity taking place at the MTS Environmental on Route 4.  Chairman DeBold received the same complaint.  Contractors are screening the remaining stockpiles of material, starting very early in the morning and ongoing for longer than what the resident was told.  Lisa was directed to research the Planning Board file for what approvals were given for this business and whether or not the current activity was within the scope of that approval or if a violation exists.  

Insurance representative Skip Jarvis, a Chichester resident has approached the Town Administrator to offer full-time employees voluntary benefits not currently offered to them through the town.  This is not an expense to the town however the Board would need to approve the employee paying for this through payroll deduction.  

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BOS minutes
September 30, 2008

The Board was willing to accommodate any employee who wanted the service but prior to making a decision for Mr. Jarvis to speak with employees, the Board would like to know if a franchise fee or administrative fee was offered to the town for providing this service on the insurance company’s behalf and also requested that Mr. Jarvis not meet with employee on company time.  Lisa will follow-up with Mr. Jarvis and report back to the Board.

The Board approved a request for Lisa and Fred Shaw, Website Administrator, to attend a training class sponsored by the town’s website provider, Virtual Town Hall, on October 16th in Concord.

The Board deferred going into a non-public session to discuss the employee complaint until a full board was present, but would not postpone beyond next week.

Selectman MacCleery reported that Dr. Meehan, Health Officer, has taken an initial water sample at the Mayville residence on Horse Corner Road.

Forestry III can not be taken to the State Auction because it is not in working condition.  The tank is still on the truck; Chief Vien will return it to Loudon. The Board recommended the Chief speak with State Ranger Miner and the Town of Northwood who have expressed interest in this vehicle, and or place an ad in the Town & City magazine or Craig’s list, for disposal of this vehicle.  

Chief Vien brought his concern to the Board regarding what appear to be four people living in a bus at the bottom of Bear Hill Road.  Zoning exempts RV’s and travel trailers from permit requirements.  The Board was concerned with any health violations that may be occurring and or whether this was a permanent additional residence on one lot.  Lisa was directed to send a letter to the homeowner concerning this matter.

Discussions on the Sidewalk Policy and No Thru Trucking Ordinance were tabled for this evening.

Mail and correspondence was reviewed.  Accounts payable and payroll were signed. The Board approved the minutes of September 23, 2008 as written.

Chairman DeBold signed the Payment Authorization and Delivery Acceptance Forms necessary for the delivery of the new ambulance arriving next week.

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Chairman DeBold, to adjourn the meeting at 10:00pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   10/7/2008

____________________      _______________________                _______________________  
 Richard DeBold, Chairman         Stephen MacCleery                      Jeffrey Jordan